Grantee Directory
- America On Tech
- Andrew Glover Youth Program
- Art Start
- At the Table
- Avenues for Justice
- The Animation Project
- The Arthur Project
- Breakthrough New York
- Bronx Lacrosse
- Brooklyn Boatworks
- Brooklyn Youth Sports Club
- The B.R.O. Experience (Brothers Redefining Opportunity)
- The Brave House
- The Brotherhood/Sister Sol
- Careers Through Culinary Arts
- Child Abuse Prevention Program
- Children of Promise NYC
- City Growers
- City Living NY
- City Squash
- Code Nation
- Community~Word Project
- DMF Youth
- Drama Club
- East Harlem Tutorial Program
- East New York Urban Youth Corps
- Educational Video Center
- Exalt Youth
- Extreme Kids and Crew
- Figure Skating in Harlem
- Foster Pride
- Free Arts
- Fresh Youth Initiatives
- Futures Ignite
- Generation Citizen
- Girl's for Gender Equity
- Girls Write Now
- Global Kids
- Groundswell Community Mural Project
- The Global Action Project
- Harlem Grown
- Harold Hunter Foundation
- Hit the Books
- I Challenge Myself
- iMentor
- Inspiring Minds NYC
- Jacob A. Riss Settlement House
- Kianga House
- Kids Creative
- Kings Against Violence Initiative
- L.O.V.E Mentoring Program
- Legal Outreach, Inc.
- Loisaida, Inc.
- Make a Better Place
- Navigate the Maze to Achievement
- New York Center of Interpersonal Development
- New York City Urban Debate League
- Opening Act
- Ownership is the Future
- Peoples Theatre Project
- Power My Learning
- ProjectArt
- The Prescod Institute for Sport, Teamwork, and Education
- Red Hook Community Farms
- Resilience Advocacy Project
- Row New York
- The Reciprocity Foundation
- Seeds of Fortune
- South Bronx United
- Start Lighthouse
- STEM From Dance
- StreetSquash
- Tech Kids Unlimited
- The TEAK Fellowship
- The Time In Children’s Arts Initiative
- Trail Blazers
- The William Grant New York W.E.B. Center
- UpBeat NYC
- Uptown Stories
- Urban Dove
- Young Athletes, Inc.
- Young New Yorkers
- Youth Communication
- YVote